Weather Stations

Through the widgets below in the page, we present real-time updates of weather stations in locations Thinadhoo and Maathoda.



Time Series of Weather Data

The weather data from the automatic weather station in Fares-Maathoda is shown in the above diagram. The variation of Relative Pressure, Indoor and Outdoor Humidity, Wind Speed, Indoor and Outdoor Temperatures, Dew Point and Total Rainfall from 2.10.2016 to 23.1.2017are plotted here.

Satellite Rainfall

Daily Rainfall Monitoring Tool

Rainfall monitoring tool

The above link gives the rainfall over the Maldives region which is a day or two old. Rainfall histories for a particular small region can also be obtained through use of this tool.

Click for options and more information

Latest issue of NOAA NCEP CPC CMORPH daily_calculated mean morphed Estimated precipitation. Click on the map to see more.

Met. Service